Want to stop the dreaded umms and ahhs when you speak?

Um… have you ever been in a meeting… um, ah… or listened to someone give a presentation… um… where the presenter constantly punctuates their sentences with those annoying and… um… dreaded fillers? It’s a curse that has fallen on many of us, one that distracts, annoys and sometimes painfully amuses (at our expense) our audiences…

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How to actually kick goals rather than just talk about it?

Ever wonder what separates the people that actually kick goals from those who just talk about it?   It’s the new year. You’ve made your resolutions and you’ve set your goals for 2019. Tick. This edition of insider tactics is not going to help you with that. In fact, we’re pretty sure you’ve got the ‘making…

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Welcome to the club

It’s funny. I’m sitting down to write an article on Imposter Syndrome. And not just a minute ago, I was on a phone call feeling like a complete fraud myself. I’d had a conversation with a client earlier in the morning, and my colleague (who had coincidently just got off the phone to the MD…

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