We’re sort of returning to normal, but is that a good thing?
Hasn’t 2020 been a challenging year? Here in Australia we’ve weathered terrifying bush fires, then the skies opened up to answer our prayers for rain which turned into severe flooding. The devastation was just awful. Next, the pandemic hit, and well – the impact of that on personal lives, businesses and the economy is almost too much for words. Whilst that was all happening, our Managing Director and Co-founder, Rod Andersen-More was diagnosed with, and endured treatment for, a brain tumour.
Don’t you wish we could hit a reset button on 2020? Just turn it off and back on again?
I’m pleased to say that Rod is doing well. In fact, we here at Tactician HQ think he’s pretty damn amazing to have handled his illness with such tenacity. He talks about giving fear the finger … you should see it in motion when it comes to cancer. Thank you for the kind words and encouragement sent his way.
We’ve been grateful to have continued some work with clients during this quieter time in business. We pivoted quickly (the ‘word’ of the moment) and our in-person training programs have been delivered online (virtually) for the first time, with great success. We currently have four ANZ businesses going through the virtual Leadership and Culture Program and others enjoying ‘a-ha’ moments in our online Gutsy programs. Thank you for your continued support, and to those clients who had no choice but to postpone your planned programs, we are looking forward to working with you soon.
As restrictions continue to ease and people are returning to work, business seems to be picking up for our clients and friends, and things are returning to ‘normal’.
But what does that even mean now?
During this time of isolation, whilst juggling changes to work arrangements, and managing the impact on your business and teams, have you taken the time to reflect on what was normal, and what you think a new normal could look like?
We have. Personally, and professionally. We have a newfound appreciation for what really matters, what positive and impactful change we want to see around us – for our business, and for our client businesses. We got really clear on what we represent, who we want to work with and how we can really, effectively, make a difference.
Here’s what we do, really well:
- We create leaders that make a difference and know how to be human.
- We help build constructive cultures that make businesses more successful.
- We teach people how to get their message across (whatever the forum) through developing their influential, pitching and presenting skills.
As things return to ‘normal’, you have the opportunity to redefine what your normal is.
Could your culture do with some work? Let us help. We’ll get you in the blue in no time (and if you don’t know what that means – we really need to talk). Read more…
Have you got new goals in leadership and need support? We’ll help you get there. Click here for more info.
Facing some HR challenges and need expert guidance to handle it? Call us. We have years of experience in all things HR. View PDF.
Click the links above for more information about our program offerings and let us know what’s of interest.
And, let’s chat. Click here to book a complimentary 30-min video call with me to talk about your current situation and how the Tactician team can help.
We’re here for you.
Luke Johnson
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