Tactician Best of – 2024

We know it’s been a busy year, and now that we’ve made it to December, it’s a great time to pause and reflect on the biggest trends that captured your attention across the last 12 months. Today we’re sharing what was most top of mind for our clients and readers in 2024.

Our 3 most popular blogs

1. Why annual goals don’t work, and what to do instead

We think this was a winner because it was so surprising! Especially to the majority of people who have been taught to do yearly planning. But there is a better way, that actually sets you up for a MUCH bigger likelihood of nailing those end of year performance goals. Read all about it here.

2. Focusing on your flaws is a waste of time

Did you know that when managers encourage employees to use their strengths and talents to achieve a goal their engagement goes up from 9% to 15%? And overall performance can rise by up to 18%? Yep. That’s why strengths-based organisations are a growing movement.

3. How do you hold people accountable?

According to the HBR, 82% of managers acknowledge they have “limited to no” ability to hold others accountable successfully. But micro-managing isn’t the answer. To find out how to master the skill that will radically improve your team’s performance, read this blog.

The 3 top trends this year

Trend #1: Increased Focus on Developing & Retaining High Potentials

In the continuing tight labour market, organisations were particularly focused on engaging and developing high potential employees. And doing so in a way that was not just motivating but felt rewarding too. Because these days, keeping your top talent requires more than bigger pay packets, and development opportunities are a key way to reward and retain top performers. Check out our High Potential Program if that’s a focus for your company in 2025.

Trend #2: Using External Diagnostic Tools to Identify Leadership Gaps

Whether as part of leadership development or a larger cultural change program, we saw a big rise in requests from current and new clients for diagnostic tools like the LifeStyles Inventory (LSI) 360, Hogan Insights, and Clifton Strengths, particularly for middle managers. And it’s no wonder when these tools objectively identify areas of growth - like self-awareness, receiving feedback or leadership style - that help managers understand their current impact and how to become better leaders.

Trend #3: Planning Ahead to Optimise L&D Budget

One of the big swings this year has been away from online learning back to as much in-person training as possible. We’ve seen organisations planning farther ahead to make the most of their budgets and ensure they get the right trainings in for the right time. And to ensure there’s time to get all the logistics in place too. We’ve already had more conversations than usual to get us booked in for the first and second quarter of 2025.

Your End-of-Year Offer:
25% off half or full-day programs

If organisational culture change, leadership development or high potential retention is high on your agenda for 2025, then we have a host of programs and workshops that can be tailored to the particular needs of your company, leadership team or middle managers. And until December 20th we’re offering a 25% discount off any half or full day program.

To be eligible:

  • Contact us to lock this offer in by 20th Dec 2024
  • Pay a deposit by 20th December 2024
  • Book your delivery dates between January 13th and April 30th 2025.
  • Happy Holidays & Our Closing Dates

As this is our last newsletter of the year, we want to take a moment to thank our clients and readers for engaging, hiring us and allowing us to make good on our mission to develop more gutsy leaders and gutsy organisations throughout 2024.

We'll take a break from end of the day Friday 20th December and reopen on Monday 13th January. So if you’d like to talk about booking us in to deliver training for you in the first or second quarter, send us an email to enquiries@tactician.net.au or call us on 1300 110 165.

We wish you the best end to the year, a happy and enjoyable holiday season and look forward to connecting with you again in 2025.

Contact Us
