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Team Tactician. Building relationships – with you and each other

The communication tools we recommend and teach are more than just words on a page. We use them here at Tactician too! Have you ever watched someone try to sell you something and wondered if they’ve actually ever used the thing they’re trying to sell? Yeah, we have too. That’s why we do more than…

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Learning and Development takes centre stage

Do you use the end of the financial year to pause and reflect? Or is the 1st July your prompt to look forward and decide where you want your business to be positioned this time next year and into the future? It’s the start of a brand new financial year and with lockdowns and quarantine…

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Gutsy businesses put their best foot forward

Gutsy businesses put their best foot forward And sometimes that best foot isn’t even your own Can you believe we’re hurtling towards the end of May? It’s also hard to believe we’re into year three of the pandemic. It seems like only yesterday we were all thinking this coronavirus was just some kind of bump…

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We’re sort of returning to normal, but is that a good thing?

Hasn’t 2020 been a challenging year? Here in Australia we’ve weathered terrifying bush fires, then the skies opened up to answer our prayers for rain which turned into severe flooding. The devastation was just awful. Next, the pandemic hit, and well – the impact of that on personal lives, businesses and the economy is almost…

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Why are mental health issues still a dirty little secret?

We see this all too often when we begin coaching an executive or senior manager – we have a few sessions, start building trust and making quick progress and then… the confessions start flying out. At last, they have someone independent, that they can trust and is in their corner. That’s when the floodgates open…

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The contemporary leadership equation…

You’ve all heard that people should be having more crucial conversations, critical conversations, courageous conversations and so on. At My Personal Tactician, we absolutely agree, however… The realm of contemporary leaders is disappointingly full of abdicators and autocrats. The abdicators – or as I call them, Passivists – don’t have the confidence to confront issues…

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Professional Development. We can still do better!

We’ve all watched as the current professional development model is failing to keep up with people’s needs, L&D is struggling to keep up with the business’ demands and organisations are lacking the capabilities they need for the future. In Deloitte’s 2017 Global Human Capital Trends, 42% of Millennials stated that the would likely leave their…

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