Our signature programs give leaders and influencers practical skills to help them knock fear on its head and start delivering.
All these programs can be delivered in person, either on your premises or at an external venue of your choice: or virtually through a series of facilitated Zoom sessions.
If you feel a program doesn't quite meet your needs, or if you want something a bit different, please contact us to chat about customisation.

GUTSY Culture
We're not here to tell you the basics of leadership. This program is solutions focused and provides the leaders within your business with an opportunity to step back and challenge their thinking. It delivers sustainable and measurable change to align teams and support the growth of your business.

Challenging the stigma of mental health, the personal and group guidance we offer in Gutsy Self will challenge organisational norms and shrinking beliefs.
Gutsy Self is suitable for anyone: leader, team member or teams who are looking to improve the quality of their professional lives.

GUTSY Influencing
Suitable for anyone who doesn’t want to be walked all over and deliver nothing.
Practical skills to get your message across clearly, persuasively and constructively, negotiate with the best of them and come to mutually beneficial agreements.

GUTSY Pitching
Our flagship Gutsy Pitching program guides and supports professionals to build the confidence and capability they need when pitching for new business. We'll show you how to develop the physical leadership skills to connect with any audience, to display a commanding presence and to compel the hearts and minds of your audience.

GUTSY Presenting
For the high-stakes communicators, who need to creatively and persuasively present their case, or for those who are just plain terrified of getting up and speaking in front of a group.
The guidance will begin from your very first introduction and you’ll leave a different presenter than you came.

Even GUTSIER Presenting
Building on from where Gutsy Presenting left off, we'll focus on the art of stagecraft and the use of emotion to lift your presentations from effective to inspirational.
Walk away with the ability to take charge of and positively influence your audience.

GUTSY Leadership
Not your average leadership program. Designed for those who really want to be courageous, to create great teams and enviable cultures. This gets to the guts of leadership and tackles the areas most leaders struggle with and often avoid.

Executive Team Intervention
A program sought after by board members, CEOs and executives for its ability to quickly create a powerful and cohesive executive team. Delivered by our Directors whose experience allows them to command the respect of the group and tactfully deliver insight and challenge.

You know your people and what works best for your business. All our programs can be completely customised to suit your needs.
Speak to us for more details and our full range of programs.
Contact Us